
2014年4月16日—Unlikearegularphoto,LensBlurletsyouchangethepointorleveloffocusafterthephotoistaken.Youcanchoosetomakeanyobjectcome ...,Lensblurmakesthepicof2mp.Doesn'tmatterhowgoodyourfrontcamis.Youright,butanywaytheOP3TfrontcamerastillremainsoneofthebestIever ...,I'vecreatedamirrorpageforthepopularmoddedGoogleCameraapp:GcamGoogleCameraPortbyBSG,Arnova8G2,andothersUpdatealertsareavailable.,-Add...

Lens Blur in the new Google Camera app

2014年4月16日 — Unlike a regular photo, Lens Blur lets you change the point or level of focus after the photo is taken. You can choose to make any object come ...

photosphere and lens blur in camera app

Lens blur makes the pic of 2 mp. Doesn't matter how good your front cam is. You right, but anyway the OP3T front camera still remains one of the best I ever ...

Gcam - Google Camera Port

I've created a mirror page for the popular modded Google Camera app: Gcam Google Camera Port by BSG, Arnova8G2, and others Update alerts are available.


- Added Lens Blur with maximum resolution. - Changed the light mode for 3 ... For GCam support, a Telegram group and channel are available. Discussion ...

san1ty: GC6.2-F1

Changelog: Added Lens Blur mode. Added Lens Blur resolution settings (Thanks to Arnova). Added option for HDR+ enhanced in Portrait mode.

Is there any Gcam port that can blur non

2022年11月29日 — Any gcam port should be able to do portrait mode blur for the background on non-human subjects.

GCam Lens Blur

2022年5月24日 — Is there a way to have lens blur at google camera for poco x3 pro? Its a feature in my old Poco f1 that i liked but cant seem to find one ...

Google Camera Mod Updated with Portrait ModeLens Blur ...

2018年1月7日 — The Google Camera HDR+ mod has been updated bringing a portrait mode/lens blur toggle and 4K video support. Check this article out for settings ...